Mumpara Footsteps

The ongoing debate on recruitment strategy between internal and agency recruiters is an ongoing one, often likened to a never-ending discussion. With a decade of experience in agency recruitment, I’ve encountered this debate countless times. But do I have a definitive answer? Well, not exactly.

The Power of a Mixed Attraction Strategy

In my view, there’s no clear-cut winner in this debate. Instead, I believe in the power of a mixed attraction strategy for a successful workforce development plan. Internal and external recruiters can work in perfect harmony, complementing each other.

Internal recruiters, I applaud your efforts. You juggle tight “time-to-hire” deadlines and often contend with a stack of active jobs on your desk, not to mention the demands of time-starved hiring managers. That’s why I’ve remained an external recruiter all these years.

Rarely do you hear an external recruiter applauding the internal counterparts with a “job well done.” So, how can I complement internal recruiters effectively, attracting and retaining talent while managing recruitment costs, time pressures, and minimising retention risks?

The Role of Mixed Attraction Strategies

No one enjoys finding that perfect candidate, only to see them depart months into their journey. But as recruitment professionals, we can employ strategies to reduce the pain and organisational risk when this occurs. A replacement guarantee, for instance, puts accountability squarely back on the recruiter’s shoulders, with the potential for them to work for you without additional cost.

However, there are scenarios where a mixed attraction strategy can dilute a company’s “value proposition” in the labour market. When a company simultaneously advertises a role through various platforms and engages external recruiters, candidates might question, “Why should I work for company XYZ?” It’s only when they encounter company XYZ’s name across multiple channels that they become intrigued.

Strategies for a Balanced Approach

When my clients enlist my services, they know I’m committed to a transparent, relationship-driven approach. I encourage clients to consider whether they’d apply for the role we’re advertising and why.

The real benefit of a mixed attraction strategy is that it combines the strengths of both internal and external recruiters. It provides access to an organisation’s inner workings through internal resources while tapping into the market knowledge and dedication of a seasoned professional with one goal: filling your role.

My door is always open, and I’m just a phone call away, ready to assist you in navigating the complex world of recruitment.

~ Peter

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