Mumpara Footsteps

There are a range of reasons that businesses may choose to specifically employ indigenous team members:

They have to. The Northern Territory and Federal government requires some projects to fulfil certain quotas of indigenous employees in order to be awarded contracts. This helps to ensure work for locals where the projects are taking place, and that all the benefits that secure employment can bring flow directly into the local community.

They want to. Some businesses have developed policies around the requirement to engage, employ, upskill or train indigenous people in regional and remote areas. Big businesses leading the way in this area include the AFL and Coles. Creating these relationships with indigenous communities builds trust and brand loyalty for the business, while the community gains skills and opportunities that may not have been accessible otherwise.

They need too. Sometimes indigenous people are the only people for the job! If a project requires specialist language skills, cultural awareness or knowledge of the flora, fauna and environmental features, often only an indigenous person will be able to fulfil the role, because of their knowledge and ability to gain access to the knowledge of the entire community.

If your business or project meets any of these requirements, contact us today so we can help build or grow your indigenous team.

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